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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stop Breaking Your Own Heart

Sometimes we tend to break our own hearts and think that God allowed a person to use and abuse us. The problem is that we never involved God into the circumstance or relationship from the start. We inflict pain and heartache on ourselves and ask God why. God didn't tell you to date that man or woman. He didn't tell you to stay and put up with their drama. He didn't tell you to spend years of your life with that person, or tell you to tattoo that name. He didn't tell you to play "house" and make the relationship more than what it was. He didn't tell you to be loyal and faithful to a person who really didn't care. God didn't tell you to stay with that man after you found out about his kids, or to have the kid(s).God didn't tell you to stay after he hit you the first time. God didn't tell you to deal with their promiscuity and cheating. YOU chose to do those things! Stop breaking your own heart! Learn to leave, stop wondering if you can have better! Choose God and you will have better. Too many people stay in the wrong relationship to avoid being alone. Let it go! Move forward with your life! Everyone is TIRED of hearing you complain about the very person you'll end up taking back. Stop hurting yourself, you don't deserve it! Pay attention to the signs God is giving you, that is not God's best for you! End it! Stop playing the victim and take control of your life! Get to God and let Him get YOU together! 
You cook, clean, fight and cut off friends/family for this person that God never told you to be with in the first place. Stop giving marriage benefits to your boy/girlfriend; all that cooking, laundry and playing house. A person should earn those benefits AFTER a REAL commitment has been made, as in marriage. Don't settle for the just the engagement either,  a wedding isn't always promised after. Learn to stand your ground and hold on to your value. You can give a person everything and they will still walk out. Don't keep hurting yourself, learn to leave before you're left.  Love&Blessings!
-Reese 😘

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