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Friday, December 16, 2016

Got Plans?

Where do we go? When situations tell us no? How do you recalculate your route to make it to your destination? How do you know when it's time to give up one way and try another? 

Well, you continue to go..keep moving towards your goals even when the path changes. Let nothing and no one stop you or your dreams will haunt you. When situations don't pan out how you thought, forgive yourself and take time to devise a different one. So what, people tell you no, situations tell you no, but don't you dare tell your dreams no. I'm currently learning that our paths aren't meant to be identical, even on the most simplest levels. You can do the exact same thing as a friend or loved one and still have different outcomes. Life isn't cookie cutter. Despite what our parents and teachers told us, school is not for everyone, but knowledge definitely is. 
Be bold and have faith in yourself to accomplish what keeps you up at night and striving for more during the day. Sometimes we have to re-route but our passion is what carries us the extra mile. Sometimes we have to be shown the hard way, and forced to abandon ship in order to find the way that's better suited for our voyage. This life attempts to teach us to be more fluid in our thoughts and actions. The faster we adapt to the motion, the better. Not every wave indicates a storm, sometimes that's just the natural flow.
You don't need permission to create the life you desire, as the Creator's child, all you need to do is go within. Let no one else define Your idea of success; be stubborn about it. Be intentional about your goals, no matter the road taken, just get it accomplished..by any means. Have faith, do the work, and enjoy it. This is our purpose. Take pride in the climb.
Welcome the changes, knowing in your heart that God works out all things to their proper end. (Proverbs 16:4)
Truth is, we can make as many plans as we choose, but it doesn't mean that we'll carry them all out. More importantly, it's not the end of the world, it just means that something better was in the making.  Proverbs 19:21 states that "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails". Be Great! -Reese

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Telling Of Herstory

She was only a child..when given a child. Facing struggles that she knew nothing of, but those before her endured. She embodied the generational curses, the out-dated thinking processes, and the buried pain of the women she came from. Carrying burdens that she had nothing to do with, yet it shaped who she was and the decisions she made.
The misguided actions of her youth, is now the reason why she is with child. The shame and hatred she has for herself weighs more on her than anyone knows. Continuously fighting herself, blaming herself and feeling guilt for her unborn child. Unsure about her future, she feels lost..
 Baby boy is born and thankfully, his village is ready to raise him alongside young mother. He brings so much light, love and purpose to them all. It's like God used this life event for everyone's good. Instead of baby boy being raised alone, he has a whole family there to guide him along. As the years pass by, she tries her best to be a better mom to her child. Still making many mistakes as she goes along, but never giving up. She starts to feel disqualified at times, but God always steps in to show her otherwise..despite what people say. He never allows mother or child to suffer harshly nor are they ever lacking in anything. 
Slowly, she begins tackling the things that have been affecting the generations of women in her linage. Breaking down and destroying the curses, the poor choices in partners, the self sabotage. Healing the oldest of wounds, comforting herself for her ancestors pain and doing away with the flawed ways of thinking and living. She is determined to face the demons that those before her fought..and conquer once and for all. At least for her child's sake. 
 Now more than ever, she is secure within herself and less concerned with the negative, judgmental talk.For all that she has been battling behind the scenes, she won't allow anyone to take away from her accomplishments. Life isn't going as planned, but that doesn't stop her.  This journey is hers alone. Timelines shift, and paths are altered..but that's God's way of editing our plans for our good. She finally accepts her past and is no longer uncertain of the future. As the present ticks on, she realizes that she is free, and ready to create her own reality. Using the gifts that God has given her, the possibilities are infinite. The first step is learning to believe in herself. 
No longer a caged bird, bound by her truth. She now sings, a personal tune..especially for the youth.
...Then until now..This is Herstory...💜