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Friday, December 16, 2016

Got Plans?

Where do we go? When situations tell us no? How do you recalculate your route to make it to your destination? How do you know when it's time to give up one way and try another? 

Well, you continue to go..keep moving towards your goals even when the path changes. Let nothing and no one stop you or your dreams will haunt you. When situations don't pan out how you thought, forgive yourself and take time to devise a different one. So what, people tell you no, situations tell you no, but don't you dare tell your dreams no. I'm currently learning that our paths aren't meant to be identical, even on the most simplest levels. You can do the exact same thing as a friend or loved one and still have different outcomes. Life isn't cookie cutter. Despite what our parents and teachers told us, school is not for everyone, but knowledge definitely is. 
Be bold and have faith in yourself to accomplish what keeps you up at night and striving for more during the day. Sometimes we have to re-route but our passion is what carries us the extra mile. Sometimes we have to be shown the hard way, and forced to abandon ship in order to find the way that's better suited for our voyage. This life attempts to teach us to be more fluid in our thoughts and actions. The faster we adapt to the motion, the better. Not every wave indicates a storm, sometimes that's just the natural flow.
You don't need permission to create the life you desire, as the Creator's child, all you need to do is go within. Let no one else define Your idea of success; be stubborn about it. Be intentional about your goals, no matter the road taken, just get it accomplished..by any means. Have faith, do the work, and enjoy it. This is our purpose. Take pride in the climb.
Welcome the changes, knowing in your heart that God works out all things to their proper end. (Proverbs 16:4)
Truth is, we can make as many plans as we choose, but it doesn't mean that we'll carry them all out. More importantly, it's not the end of the world, it just means that something better was in the making.  Proverbs 19:21 states that "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails". Be Great! -Reese

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Telling Of Herstory

She was only a child..when given a child. Facing struggles that she knew nothing of, but those before her endured. She embodied the generational curses, the out-dated thinking processes, and the buried pain of the women she came from. Carrying burdens that she had nothing to do with, yet it shaped who she was and the decisions she made.
The misguided actions of her youth, is now the reason why she is with child. The shame and hatred she has for herself weighs more on her than anyone knows. Continuously fighting herself, blaming herself and feeling guilt for her unborn child. Unsure about her future, she feels lost..
 Baby boy is born and thankfully, his village is ready to raise him alongside young mother. He brings so much light, love and purpose to them all. It's like God used this life event for everyone's good. Instead of baby boy being raised alone, he has a whole family there to guide him along. As the years pass by, she tries her best to be a better mom to her child. Still making many mistakes as she goes along, but never giving up. She starts to feel disqualified at times, but God always steps in to show her otherwise..despite what people say. He never allows mother or child to suffer harshly nor are they ever lacking in anything. 
Slowly, she begins tackling the things that have been affecting the generations of women in her linage. Breaking down and destroying the curses, the poor choices in partners, the self sabotage. Healing the oldest of wounds, comforting herself for her ancestors pain and doing away with the flawed ways of thinking and living. She is determined to face the demons that those before her fought..and conquer once and for all. At least for her child's sake. 
 Now more than ever, she is secure within herself and less concerned with the negative, judgmental talk.For all that she has been battling behind the scenes, she won't allow anyone to take away from her accomplishments. Life isn't going as planned, but that doesn't stop her.  This journey is hers alone. Timelines shift, and paths are altered..but that's God's way of editing our plans for our good. She finally accepts her past and is no longer uncertain of the future. As the present ticks on, she realizes that she is free, and ready to create her own reality. Using the gifts that God has given her, the possibilities are infinite. The first step is learning to believe in herself. 
No longer a caged bird, bound by her truth. She now sings, a personal tune..especially for the youth.
...Then until now..This is Herstory...๐Ÿ’œ

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Greatest Commandment

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." (Matthew 22:37-38)
Often times we don't even acknowledge this commandment, but pay more attention to the others. The fact that Jesus said that this is the First and Greatest commandment means so much. No matter what type of day we're having, what trials we're facing, and who made us mad, we are to still love God with our ENTIRE being. It's not enough to say that we love Him. (John 3:18 "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.") Our actions, thoughts, words and lives should be glorifying that very commandment.
Love Him with all your heart: if your heart is filled with malice, bitterness, envy, selfishness, anger and everything else, how can you find a space in there to love God? There's no room for love to manifest. If you are struggling with any of this, ask God to help you; to create a pure heart within you. It will take time to get rid of all the junk and clutter but God can and will do it. Allow God into your heart, let Him give you all the love you need. Submit to Him. I've been there, I know that place. But it's time to move!
Love Him with all your soul: please understand that our souls can be just as messy, nasty and filthy as garbage. We allow people to empty into us with their drama, words, gossip, etc. Ever talked with someone for a while and once they leave or get off the phone, you feel heavy? Like they passed on their mess to you? They polluted you with all their baggage and trash. Don't let them continue to do it. We also allow soul ties to keep us hemmed. Soul ties make you feel like you need a person or love a person, when in fact, you really don't. Your souls may have connected at one point, usually by having sex, but it's over and you don't know how to let go. Ask the Lord to cleanse your soul, and get all of that mess out. His Spirit needs room to dwell. I had a very tough battle with soul ties and I thank the Lord for fighting alongside me! Broke those chains!
Love Him with all your mind: please, please realize that our minds are VERY powerful. All that we do originates there! Success, failure, sin, belief and doubt (just to name a few), all are birthed in the mind. God puts things into our minds, and we are also urged to set our minds on things above and not of this earth. We are told to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus in our relationships with one another. It's so important that we keep our minds pure. Be strong in your mind, the devil always attacks there. Romans 12:2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds; ask God for help in this area..at all times.
It's not enough to say that we love, warm God's heart and show Him. Make it your purpose and priority to love Him better and more each day. Love is a two-way street. God is doing his part...are you doing yours? Are you fulfilling the first and greatest commandment? Give him ALL of you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cold, Lukewarm or Hot?

It's sad to see how some "Christians" have one foot in the world and the other foot in God's Kingdom. Living in the world 6 days a week and changing on Sunday. How on earth? You can't be a Sunday Christian for an everyday God! Your life should bring Him glory and you should be an example for unbelievers, not blending in with unbelievers. The lines have been blurred, but it's time that people make a choice; you belong to God or to the evil one? Indecisiveness has to end. (Revelation 3:15 "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.") Before I made the declaration of choosing God, I too was "lukewarm". Going to church, but still loving the things of the world. Partying more than I prayed, getting drunk anytime I could, having sex outside of marriage, listening to the wrong music, and surrounding myself with the wrong people. Not realizing that I was living a life of pretending; pretending that I love God but my life and actions said differently. (1John 2:15-16 "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- comes not from the Father but from the world.") 
It wasn't until I was dealing with a broken heart and deep soul tie, that I fell on my face before God and begged Him to help me. I gave my entire life and soul to God and I been on fire for Him ever since! I believe that the same fire he put within me, he can give to you! Accept Him and His Promises, you will have to make adjustments for the Lord to come near but it will be worth it. Being born again requires us to put away childish things and be holy as He is Holy. (Corinthians 13:11 " When I was a child, I talked like a child, thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a (wo)man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.")
(Peter 1:15"But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.")
Our lives should be a representation of that. It's time to pick sides. (1Corinthians 10:21-22 "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons. Are we trying to arouse the Lord's jealousy? Are we stronger than he?")
Let go of what's holding you back, trust that God can and will deliver you from your struggles. Insecurity, drugs,  pornography, lust, idolatry, lonlieness,pain, unforgiveness, bitterness, etc. Nothing is impossible for God. Think of all that God has done for you so far, what are you giving in return? I mean, you get excited about shows, concerts, money, material things, games, celebrities, clubs..but you show no excitement for The Living God!! The one person who can give you your hearts desires and who knows everything, who wouldn't want a relationship with Him? It's time to be on fire about God, stop taking Him for granted! Praise Him and Love Him with your actions! Not just the lip service on Sundays or when things go right for you. Lukewarm is not good enough for God! Who cares what people may think? 
Take up your cross and Follow Christ anyway! Give Him ALL of you, not just some of you..He deserves that much! Be a living sacrifice, get rid of all that filth in your life. Give God room to work. It's worth it. Why risk your eternity for the things of this world? So the question is, are you hot or cold? Love and Blessings! -Reese๐Ÿ˜˜